Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009

Blogging on Bilingualism podcast / (

"Another link to the Australian radio show Lingua Franca, this podcast shares the story of a James Panichi who moved from Australia to Italy with his family at the age of nine. His comments shed light on the way language and culture affect personality. Moving from Australia to Italy introduced him to his father in a new way. His father had always been there, but his full personality was hidden by his immigrant’s (unschooled) English. When James also spoke Italian fluently after living in Italy, his relationship with his father changed for the better. He also discusses his perspective of bilingualism and biculturalism from his personal experiences as an Italian-Australian.

Listen to the podcast “Daddy, I almost never knew you!” here ( at the Lingua Franca site.

See previous post for a link to a podcast on Lingua Franca ( by a German-Australian on his relationship with is bilingual daughter."

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